The BookLovers Club Collection

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The BookLovers Club Collection


Davidson College Archives Book Club Collection

Collection Items

Minutes 25 October 1901
[Page 1] Minutes of the Book Club Winter of 1901-2

Book club met Oct. 25th at Mrs. Martin’s to elect new officers and also to choose books for the year. By ballot Mrs. Grey was made President- Mrs. Black Vice Pres. - Mrs. Dupuy Sec. First meeting…

Minutes 22 November 1901
[Page 1] 1901

Club met Nov. 22nd with Mrs. Grey. Every member was present. Mrs. Martin reported an improvement in the morals of the Stage as noticed by good judges. Ernest Seton has dropped the Thompson from his name, added he says for a reason…

Minutes 6 December 1901
[Page 1] 1901

Club gathered Dec. 6th in Mrs. Harrison’s new parlor, so handsomely furnished with pretty old things. All members present except one. The budget of items was full and interesting including the Isthmian Canal Hay-Pauncefort Treaty.…

Minutes 20 December 1901
[Page 1] 1901

Dec 20th

One of the coldest evenings in December the ladies drew up around the heater in Mrs. Holt’s parlor rejoicing in its warmth. There were only ten members present and one visitor. Mrs. Grey reported a new novel by C.W…

Minutes 3 January 1902
[Page 1] 1902

Club met Jan. 3rd with Mrs. Dupuy. She having exchanged evenings with Mrs. Martin by request. At the Charleston Exposition products of home silk manufacture are on exhibition woven before the Revolutionary War. Also some copies of…

Minutes 17 January 1902
[Page 1] 1902

Club met Jan. 17th with Miss Neel. We were glad to see some who had been on the sick list. Items reported were varied and interesting. At the late bicentennial celebration at Yale, of eight honorary degrees conferred, five were on…

Minutes 31 January 1902
[Page 1] 1902

Jan. 31st, the Secretary, arriving late, found the ladies already seated around Mrs. Sloan’s pleasant sitting room. As a substitute for our only absent member, the President brought Miss Daniel a welcome visitor. In response to roll…

Minutes 28 February 1902
[Page 1] 1902

Sickness and bad weather caused the omission of the meeting with Mrs. Smith February fourteenth. Nine ladies gathered with Miss Thompson February twenty eighth - four being detained at home by unavoidable circumstances. Mrs. Gray…

Minutes 14 March 1902
[Page 1] 1902

The Book Club met March fourteenth at the home of Miss Withers, with a more satifactory attendance than for some weeks. We were pleased to have with us for the evening Miss Addie Herron one of the charter members. Mrs. Harrison read…

Minutes 1 April 1902
[Page 1] 1902

Eleven members of the Book Club met with Mrs. Black April first. The house-keepers were interested in a report from the president of a model electrical bakery run by Niagara power, with tables arranged to go & return for service,…

Minutes 8 May 1902
[Page 1] 1902

On account of sickness the first meeting in April was omitted. At Mrs. Martin’s however we had the happy experience of seeing all the members of the Club present and of greeting two visitors from Mooresville also. Mrs. Grey reported…

Minutes 2 October 1902
[Page 1] Minutes for Book Club -
Fall, beginning 1902-

By order of the President, the members of the Book Club were called together on the evening of Oct. 2nd at the home of Mrs. Smith. This goes on record as the earliest date set for a meeting…

Minutes 7 November 1902
[Page 1] The first regular meeting of the Book Club was held Nov. 7th with our new president Miss Thompson, as is customary. The members responded to the roll call with items of interest. Mrs. Harrison being the only member absent. She had the…

Minutes 21 November 1902
[Page 1] Nov. 21st it fell to the job of Miss Withers to entertain the Book Club. The Beginnings of New England by John Fiske was the book of the evening. With an author who deservedly takes rank among our small company of great writers, it was not…

Minutes 5 December 1902
[Page 1] Dec. 5th

After being house bound by several gray and rainy days the members of the club met each other in Mrs. Black’s parlor Dec. 5th , with more than the usual degree of interest and pleasure. Evidently the rainy days had afforded…

Minutes 19 December 1902
[Page 1] December 19th - 1902

The last meeting of the year Was, by special arrangement, held with Mrs. Harrison instead of Mrs. Currie and the sympathy of the club is extended to the two members necessarily absent The current events more…

Minutes 3 January 1903
[Page 1] Jan. 3rd 1903-

For more reasons than one we might call this the Holiday number. Coming as it did in the holiday season and with the rest (Mrs. Dupuy, our hostess) gave us a rest from regular routine. In spite of recent festivities, which…

Minutes 19 January 1903
[Page 1] January 19 - 1903

The death of an honored member of our community (Mrs. Shearer) caused a postponement of our meeting from Friday 16th to Monday 19th. The members with exception of Mrs. Dupuy assembled in Mrs. Grahams parlor, whose…

Minutes 30 January 1903
[Page 1] January 30 -

At no meeting in this series have all the members been present-the roll shows one absent each time and not more than two absent from any meeting. Mrs. Black was the absentee Jan. 30th when we met with Mrs. Grey. As the items…

Minutes 13 February 1903
[Page 1] Feb. 13th

By special arrangement the meeting was with Mrs. Currie instead of Mrs. Harrison as our list shows, As the Secretary had prepared a boastful paragraph in the minutes regarding the regular and full attendance on all the meetings…
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